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Contact Us (866) 584-7191

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How Aid and Attendance (A&A) Can Help Families Pay for Care

Veterans and surviving spouses who are approved for A&A receive a monthly benefit to help pay for daily care they need at home, in an assisted living community or a nursing home.

  • Eligible veterans can receive up to $1,881 per month
  • Eligible veterans with a spouse can receive up to $2,230 per month
  • Two married veterans who are both eligible may receive up to $2,984 per month
  • Eligible surviving spouses of veterans can receive up to $1,209 per month

It can take several months for the VA to process Aid and Attendance applications. However, once the VA approves an application the first benefit payment is a lump sum that covers the entire timespan from the original application date to the date of approval.

What We Do gives veterans and their families detailed information on a VA pension benefit program called Aid and Attendance (A&A). A&A can help families pay for senior care but often those benefits go unused because families are unfamiliar with the application process and eligibility rules. We help families learn more about what the A&A program can do, who it’s for and how to apply.

Why We Help

Although as many as 25% of U.S. seniors could be eligible for A&A, only 5% currently receive the benefit. Millions of veterans have earned the A&A benefit, but many don’t know about the program or hesitate to apply because they’re not sure they qualify.

Our goal is to carry on founder Debbie Burak’s mission to help veterans and their families understand what the A&A program is, how to apply for the benefit, and how it can help cover the cost of quality senior care.

We’re available at (866) 584-7191 to answer your questions about A&A and help your family find senior care near you.