
Veterans Benefits in Alabama

Posted in Uncategorized on January 31, 2017
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The state of Alabama has a long and proud history of serving the nation through military service and today, the state is home to more than 412,000 veterans, with 170,000 of these are age 65 and over. There are many benefits available to Alabama veterans, including state-of-art facilities and a full structure of support to help Read More »

VeteranAid.org Announces 2016 Veterans Benefits Scholarship Winners

Posted in Uncategorized on January 30, 2017
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Editor's note: We are no longer offering this scholarship. Three college students were selected for their innovative proposals to improve the lives of senior veterans and the benefits offered to them. VeteranAid.org today announced the winners of their first annual scholarship program for American students enrolled in an accredited two-year college or four-year university program. Of the nearly Read More »

Veteran Benefits in Arizona

Posted in Uncategorized on January 26, 2017
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With more than 528,000 veterans living in Arizona, the state is home to more than 24% of the nation’s veteran population. Approximately half of these veterans are age 65 and older, and Arizona veterans can access numerous support programs for veterans, through both state and non-profit organizations. If you’re living in the Sonoran Desert, you’ll Read More »

Is There a Gender Gap in the U.S. Military?

Posted in Uncategorized on January 25, 2017
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In the United States, women and men theoretically face similar opportunities in their careers, with women able to serve in almost 100% of positions in the workforce. However, studies still show that women still face a substantial gender gap in salary, with women earning around 20% less than men doing the same job. And, while Read More »

Autism Resources for Military Families

Posted in Uncategorized on January 24, 2017
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One out of every 88 military children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) – also known simply as autism – a group of complex brain development disorders characterized by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors. The most obvious signs and symptoms of autism typically emerge around age 2 or Read More »

5 Helpful Financial Tools for Military Members

Posted in Uncategorized on January 23, 2017
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Military members and their families experience a unique set of circumstances, including an often-limited budget, unforeseen expenses from moves, or emergencies while a member of the family is deployed. The good news is there are multiple resources to help servicemembers make the most of their current finances, avoid debt, and handle life’s unexpected challenges. Below Read More »

Becoming a Military Lawyer

Posted in Uncategorized on January 19, 2017
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If you have an interest in both the law and serving in the U.S. military, you could be the ideal candidate to become a Judge Advocate General, or “JAG.” Military lawyers handle the same types of cases as civilian lawyers – both civil and criminal – with the addition of military law issues, and their Read More »

Working from Home: Tips for Military Spouses

Posted in Uncategorized on January 18, 2017
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As a military spouse, you mostly likely knew that a life “married to the military” would include frequent relocations, lots of change, and even extended periods of time when your spouse would be away on deployment. While you accepted these challenges, you probably also quickly realized how this lifestyle can be particularly challenging on a Read More »

Helping Heal: Tragedy Assistance Program Connects Thousands of Survivors

Posted in Uncategorized on January 17, 2017
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In November 1992, eight soldiers perished in a C-12 crash in Alaska. Their families were at a loss. In their grief, they struggled to find a support system, and finally turned to each other for help. Here they found understanding and assistance they could find nowhere else; no one else could know what they were Read More »

Three New Year’s Resolutions for Military Veterans

Posted in Uncategorized on January 16, 2017
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It is 2017, finally. Last year was rough for many people. Several beloved actors and musicians passed away during the year. And many of you may have also had family or friends pass away as well. As we think about the New Year and what it brings, let us suggest three New Year's resolutions for military Read More »

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