Services Offered For Blind And Visually Impaired Veterans

Posted in Uncategorized on December 27, 2016
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It is estimated that there are approximately 131,000 Veterans in the United States who are legally blind, and more than one million Veterans who have some form of visual impairment that impacts their day to day lives. As Veterans from Vietnam, Korea,  Desert Storm and the War on Terror continue to age, those numbers will Read More »

Save More with Military Discounts in Phoenix, Arizona

Posted in Uncategorized on December 26, 2016
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 You’ve served your country admirably and you and your family have made many sacrifices over the years as part of your service. Many Americans, including many business owners, look for ways to say thank you to American veterans and active duty members by offering discounts on everyday services and products. These discounts can add up Read More »

5 Christmas Gifts Your Service Dog Will Love

Posted in Uncategorized on December 21, 2016
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For thousands of U.S. veterans, a service dog is a member of their family, and just as with any member of the family, they’d enjoy finding a few special gifts under the Christmas tree this year. Of course, service dogs enjoy the usual range of treats, toys, and fun. But thanks to their very specific Read More »

Spreading Cheer: Handwritten Letters Show Support to Troops

Posted in Uncategorized on December 20, 2016
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Even in the digital age, the holiday season still means for many Americans a chance to send and receive beautiful and heartfelt notes and cards in the mail. There’s something special about the old-fashioned, hard copy letters and cards that can be saved, displayed, held in the hand, and reread at any time. Now imagine Read More »

5 Things to Know When Adopting a Military Family for Christmas

Posted in Uncategorized on December 19, 2016
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In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s easy to forget that there are many families that struggle to make ends meet on a regular basis, and know that special Christmas gifts for their children are completely out of the question. Military families, often living on very tight budgets, are no different. Thankfully, Read More »

4 Festive Holiday Military Care Packages

Posted in Uncategorized on December 15, 2016
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It’s always difficult to be away from home during the holidays, but for thousands of deployed servicemen and women, it’s the reality they face during the month of December. The good news is that with a little creativity, you can send them a box full of holiday cheer with a festive Christmas care package, making Read More »

Making the Most of a Military Rental: Money-Saving Decorating Tips

Posted in Uncategorized on December 14, 2016
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Military families, perhaps better than anyone, know that home is truly where the heart is. After all, when you move every two years, you soon realize that home is more than the walls around you; instead, it’s the people living there and the love you share. That said, while it may not be your “forever Read More »

6 Ways the National Alliance on Mental Illness Helps Military Members

Posted in Uncategorized on December 13, 2016
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With today’s better understanding of mental health in the military and an increased willingness for open dialog, studies have revealed that nearly 1 in 4 active duty members have experienced some sort of mental health condition, including depression at a rate five times higher than in civilian populations, and Postraumtic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which is Read More »

All the Portland Veteran Resources You Need

Posted in Uncategorized on December 12, 2016
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Known as the City of Roses, Portland is Oregon’s largest city and was recently ranked by the Pew Research Center as the 8th most popular American city, based on where people want to live. The city itself, along with the rest of Multnomah County, is home to more than 43,000 veterans, and Oregon as a Read More »

The Best Places to Find a Military Ball Gown

Posted in Uncategorized on December 8, 2016
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You have a military ball coming up and you are understandably excited – and perhaps a bit nervous – about finding just the right dress. Most of us these days don’t attend too many formal events, so finding the proper attire can take a bit of work. While the evening is about celebrating your significant Read More »

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